Sunday, September 25, 2016

Weekly Blog Fats, Sugars, and Proteins Part 1

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Project Blog: Cell Wars!

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My Tackk

The cell wall has holes in it to transfer ions, waste, and nutrients to other cells. But it can lose water through the holes but it can recover good as new! The cell wall is literally a wall protecting the cells from the baddies and taking in nutrients and dumping the waste. The skeleton of a plant would be a cell wall. Without the cell wall plants would even grow here. And that means: No Tree = No Life.

Backward Looking:
I remembered a little bit about the project way back in 5th grade when me and Evan where the chloroplast. But other than that I didn't do this project at all. Back then I never learned about cells or the two different types of cells back at Indigo.  This was because we only studied math mostly but some science every once in a while. So other than 5th grade I never studied about cells.

Inward Looking:
I think I really like our work over the past couple weeks because we worked hard on it through day and past the night. Day by day we would always worry but we got the job done. I did like making the video because it was fun popping in and taking the camera from Evan as a second news reporter. Though I did dislike smears because it was hard to make a smear once we couldn't make anymore disease smears. But other than that I really enjoyed the project itself.

Outward Looking:
If I were grading my work I would give a B+. I would give it this because the posters could've needed an improvement of a slogan. And the video could've needed more editing and voice editing for a louder voice for all of us. It also could've needed better smears for some of us but some smears were good ones from us. But other than that this is why I would give our work a B+.

Forward Looking:
One thing I would like to improve on is time management next time. I would like to improve this because we only just got the video recorded a day before the video was due. This meant we only had after school to edit and put our video together. And the smears and responses I only got the last of them done the day it was due which meant last minute thinking. But other than that this is why I would like to improve time management next time.

 I have this glitch with blogger. Whenever I press update to update my blog it makes a whole new blog post with the same name. Please help me with this. Thanks.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Cell Wars Part 3

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Though the cell wall is useful in many ways it can destroy the cell if it holds too much water which it shouldn't. The cell wall is the backbone of plants. The cell wall helps plants stand tall. The cell wall lets in nutrients but disposes of waste. It can cause the plant to lose water but it can recover.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
This week I demonstrated SP3 because I planned and carried out a investigation on bad stuff against the other cell components to ensure cell wall gets voted for president of cell land!!!


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Cell Wars Part 2

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Though many of the cell's stuff do good stuff they all have a down side to them all. Such as the mitochondria where it can cause Alpers disease, a disease which has more than one symptom which is really really bad. Some of those symptoms include: Dementia, Seizures, and Liver disease.