Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Immune System

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The function of the immune system is to protect the body from germs and viruses by going around the body and fighting against germs.

The immune system is not made up of organs but of tiny little cells going around and defending the body from viruses, diseases, etc.

Interactions with Other Systems:
The immune works with the circulatory system to help them get to where they need to go and they also work with the lymphatic system for the production of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes have different functions which allow them to respond to foreign invaders, some work alone but some can communicate with other cells.
The immune system is like malware protector because malware is like a virus to a computer and the malware protector finds and gets rid of viruses, spyware, malware, etc. And your body does the same thing just in the body not in a computer, it protects from germs, viruses, diseases, etc.

Structure and Function:
The skin is one of the most important parts of the immune system because it is more likely for sickness to reach your skin first rather than you inhaling the sickness because most of the other entry points to the body are blocked off by the skin. When germs, illnesses, viruses, etc touch the skin the immune system has compounds and cells that work to kill any bacteria that touches the skin, and you can help them by washing your hands because most germs you come in contact with are from touching stuff. The skin's shape is critical to cover the body to protect it so germs, diseases, virus, etc. Because it is more dangerous if sicknesses get in then they reach the skin which then cells and compounds work to rid of the sicknesses so the skin is the main line of defense for when sicknesses reach the skin. But the immune system does its best to rid of invaders in the body if they get pass the skin.

Image Sources:
Immune System

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Weekly Blog-Cell Division Part 1

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Cell division begins with the copying of its DNA so each daughter cell has the full DNA not just half of it. Then there are the other stages of cell division to go through like the telophase and the anaphase. Each phase has a different function like the interphase starting to copy its DNA first. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Photosynthesis, and Cellular Respiration

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Photosynthesis produces oxygen and glucose. While cellular respiration creates energy, carbon dioxide and water. This creates a infinite cycle of energy for plants and animals to survive because they both take the other's products and convects them into reactants for the other as an infinite cycle for each other. The reactants for photosynthesis are Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. While cellular respiration's reactants are glucose and oxygen.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I demonstrated SP2 Developing and using models because this week I worked with gizmos to show models of how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work. This helps me understand how they work and how much they are dependent on each other.

Cause and Effect: