Sunday, November 27, 2016

Weekly Blog 11/28 - 12/02

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The pistol shrimp has a big claw that snaps with great force shooting a bubble bullet to stun enemies or prey.When snapped the claw produces a sound far louder than a bullet at about 210 decibels while an actual gunshot averages about 150 decibels. Anything close enough to the bubble will feel the slight temperature change of 8000 degrees Fahrenheit as the bubble collapses. The pistol shrimp can even regrow its pistol claw and its pincer if they have been lost. This is not a shrimp to be messed with.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
This week I have been showing SP3 as I was conducting a investigation on the pistol shrimp. This is SP3 because I have been a investigation on the pistol shrimp to learn about its abilities and weaknesses.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Weekly Blog 11/7/16 - 11/10/16

Image Source:

The immune system is weak to diseases like the flu, the common cold, etc. But your body can recover over time or you can speed it up by taking medicines. But cuts can cause infections which is bad for the body and sometimes requires shots. (if you cut yourself with a blade that is rusted.) So to help risks of this happening the skin should reconnect like magnets if the cut is cut or penetrated. Like if you get cut the wound can close more faster to decrease blood loss and risk of infection. 

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
This week me and my team asked questions on what part of the immune system needed redesigning which was the skin with a magnet type thing to help it reconnect faster to reduce blood loss and risk of infection. We solved the question of how we redesigning it by coming up with a magnet type thing to help it reconnect faster to reduce blood loss and risk of infection.

(AKA Cross Cutting Concepts)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WAC Essay Is it better to be a Omnivore or a Vegetarian?

Out there in cities, streets, towns, there are people out there who feast on just plant life when there are other who feast on cow, pig and chicken. These are omnivores and vegetarians. Omnivores have lots of sources of food to eat like steak, pig, potatoes, etc. While vegetarians have just plant life to feast on like tomatoes, bread, apples, etc. Which would you choose? will you choose to eat just plants for the rest of your life or a balanced diet of meat and plant life?

I think a omnivore is the better way to a better life because 1. Meat contains high quality protein needed for the body. 2. The proteins found in meat improve bone health and increase muscle mass. And 3. Also we are made for eating meat because we do not have the right organs to digest cellulose, the main fiber in plants. Eating meat helps you gain proteins and other nutrients that plants have very little of like B12 and protein. "...(3.5 ounces) of raw ground beef contains vitamin B12, B3 (Niacin), B6, iron, zinc, selenum..." This shows that having 3.5 ounces of raw ground beef gives you all those vitamins that your body puts into good use.

Meat has proteins that improve bone health and increase muscle mass."...protein is important for is bone healthThe studies show that consumption of protein is associated with increased bone density in old age and a lower risk of fractures. If you want to gain (or maintainmuscleas well as prevent osteoporosis and fractures in old agethen the protein in meat can be beneficial." This means that meat improves your bones like milk does because it has calcium in it. Although meat doesn't have any in it it still improves your bones and muscles because the proteins in it and nutrients in it. Without meat in your diet your bones would be more weak and same goes to your muscles.

Humans have much shorter digestive systems and do not contain the right organs to process cellulose, the main fiber in plants. "Humans have much shorter digestive systems than herbivoreand don't have the specialized organs to digest cellulosethe main fiber in plants." This would mean that humans are not made to have a all plant diet if they don't have the right organs to process cellulose which herbivores can because they are made for eating plants. Humans have also been eating meat as far back as 1.2 billion years. Meat is how we have become such an advanced civilization today. If we ate just plants then you wouldn't be looking at this essay. We would still be in the stone age.

Though omnivore is a better way many people think being a vegetarian is better. And that meat does increase your chance of catching certain diseases like cardio disease or diabetes. But there is a argument to that, though meat does increase chance studies have found only processed meat increases your chances, while unprocessed meat has no link to diseases. 
"In a massive study from Harvard that looked at data from 20 studies with a total of 1,218,380 individuals, they found no association between unprocessed red meat, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.The EPIC study from Europe didn't find any association either and this study included almost 450 thousand peopleHoweverboth of these studies found a significantly increased risk for processed meatIf you want to avoid chronic diseasethen it makes sense to avoid processed meat as much as possibleBut unprocessed meat seems to be fine." This shows that they found no link between unprocessed meat and diseases, which means that unprocessed meat is fine but avoid processed meat as much as possible.
Therefore being a vegetarian can be good for your health but I recommend eating meat instead. Meat has many nutrients that can not be found in commonly consumed plants. Unprocessed meat doesn't increase risk to diseases. The proteins found in meat improve bone health and your muscles. And finally we are not meant to eat plants. So these are all reasons why you should consider to become a omnivore and not a vegetarian.