Friday, January 27, 2017

Weekly Blog 1/23 - 1/27

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The ear has something called a hammer that looks like a little person pushing a lever. There is also something that looks like a snail shell. There are also things that look like veins while the snail thing is like a heart with the semicircular canals. And when you look at something it is formed upside down in the retina but the cerebrum flips it right side up so everything you see is the way it should be. The eyes see two different images but the brain combines them to create what appears to be one image.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I drew models to show what my villain looks like and what it's major changes in it's organ systems that help it hear, see, etc. This is SP2: Developing and using models because I made multiple drawings or the organ systems and the villain itself.

System and System Models
The systems I redesigned for my super villain is meant to help it in sight, hearing, strength, and reactions. By expanding the ear it can collect more sound and helping it in means of hearing. By expanding the eye it would have a bigger line of vision to help it see stuff from off to the side. By expanding the muscles it would be more stronger to be able to move more stuff out of the way therefore helping it. By expanding the movement part of the brain the villain will have quicker reactions to stuff like a piece of debris falling out of nowhere. All four of these modified systems help the villain in many ways. Therefore this is XCC System and System Models. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Weekly Blog 1/9 - 1/13

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Mutations can happen in different ways like being exposed to chemicals or radiation or the DNA of a person fails to copy accurately like if an extra base is added or if one is missing. GMO means genetically modified organism. This you can do if you insert your desired DNA into another loop of DNA called a plasmid. Then this genetically modified plasmid can multiply quickly. This how you would genetically modify an organism.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
This week I explained how you add an extra piece of DNA into a plasmid and how you would genetically modify a organism. This is SP6 because I explained a process through my origins story on my superhero.    

Cause and Effect
The effect is a mutation while the cause is chemicals, radiation, DNA fails to copy correctly, etc. The cause is chemicals, radiation, DNA fails to copy correctly, etc. And the effect is a mutation. The causes effect the DNA which results in a mutation which is what happens when mutations happen.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Weekly Blog 1/3 - 1/6

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A hybrid is a mix of a recessive and dominant trait but only the dominant trait will show. A purebred is just two recessive traits or two dominant traits. Choices that your mom makes or you make could affect your body like malformed organs or other types of things. Traits of you can be guessed before you are born through the Punnett Square to see if you are a hybrid or a purebred. Like if your mom is a hybrid for her hair and your dad is a hybrid for his hair then it would be a 3 to 1 ratio for hair the same as your parents.

SP6: Did you explain something through your work?
This week we used coin flips to figure out the traits of our superheroes. For 100% chance for a trait we put it for 50% we did 3 coin flips to decide. This is like how it works in real life, if there is a 100% chance for a trait it is that trait and 50% there is a chance they get one trait or the other. This is SP6 because this shows how it works with 100% and 50%.

Cause and Effect
Traits are inherited from their parents they each give part of their genes for the baby so the baby will look like part of each of their parents not just looking like one. The cause is the father and mother's genes and the effect is their child that usually looks like part of both of them. The different genes from the mother and father are the cause of the baby looking like parts both of them, which is the effect of the mother and father's genes.