Saturday, May 20, 2017

Article Blog 5/15 - 5/19

Are you lactose intolerant but would like to try milk? A company has made that possible for those who can't drink milk, possible for them to drink milk. Two scientists got together and used something called Buttercup and got a copy of cow DNA put the DNA in a specific location between the yeast where it produced a milk product without any lactose, steroids, or antibiotics. This milk, created by perfect day, has many more advantages than regular milk such as: no lactose, steroids, or antibiotics, earth friendly, longer shelf life, etc.

Feitlinger, Sarah. “California-Based Perfect Day Makes Cow Milk Without The Cow!.” DOGOnews, DOGO Media, Inc., 16 May, 2017, Web. 20 May. 2017.

SP2: Developing and using models
The author performed SP2 because they used different pictures to represent about Perfect Day and about some facts about their product. They included a picture of what their milk excels at such as; lactose-free, steroids-free, and antibiotics-free. They also included a picture where it shows what their product uses like less use of land, energy, etc. It also shows a picture of what this product could be used for like ice-cream, pizza, etc. Finally they include a picture of their product.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Article Blog 5/8 - 5/12

China has a problem with clean air, but an architect named Stefano Boeri plans to solve that by building buildings with trees and shrubs all over to produce oxygen while reducing the number of carbon dioxide. The plants can also capture dust particles, block noise, and acts as a wind screen to help make life easier for residents of these buildings. The first to open is the Forest Mountain hotel opening this fall. Although he plans to open three of these forest buildings, he knows it is not enough to solve China's air problems, he plans to also make wood buildings that run on solar power or wind energy. This is what this architect is trying to create to solve the air problems in China.

Feitlinger, Sarah. “Italian Architect Envisions "Forest Cities" To Combat China's Air Pollution.” DOGOnews, DOGO Media, Inc., 08 May, 2017, Web. 14 May. 2017.

SP2: Developing and using models
The author performed SP2 by adding pictures of what the Forest Mountain Hotel will look like when it finishes construction this fall. It also shows two videos related to the topic and a picture of one of those wooden houses. This is SP2 because the author used pictures to show what the hotel and wooden house would look like and two videos related to the topic.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Article Blog 5/1-5/5

Ever break the screen on your phone? Ever want to replace it, but too expensive? Well scientists are creating a new type of screen that can heal by itself to repair everyday cracks on your screen. This material is made up of salt ions and transparent polymer that be stretched up to 50 times its size. Hopefully this product will come out to market in 3 years, Hopefully in 3 years your phone isn't so fragile.

Mantha, Maitreyi. “Your Next Smartphone May Have A Self-Healing Screen.” DOGOnews, DOGO Media, Inc., 03 May, 2017, Web. 07 May. 2017.

SP2: Developing and using models
The author performed SP2 because they used multiple picture relevant to what information was there at the time. One example is the picture where it showed how present screens worked. Another showed a cracked phone. Next showed an example of a cracked screen and a healed screen. This is how the author performed SP2.