Sunday, November 12, 2017

Weekly Blog 11/6 - 11/10

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Flight is in all of our lives to when we see birds take off from our trees to planes landing at the airport. Flight is only possible with some specific traits that allow them to glide through the skies. Some include feathers, bones, weight, etc. If birds didn't have these specific traits then they wouldn't be able to fly to this day.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
This week we worked on investigating the origins of flight. After we got all of our information in, we constructed a hypothesis about the how these traits exist today. I performed SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions this week because I constructed a hypothesis on how flight has come to be to this day.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weekly Blog 10/30 - 11/3

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A cladogram can be used to identify traits that different animals have in common. This helps scientists to be able to see easily which animals have a common ancestor. This helps see which animals are the most related and which aren't. This is especially helpful when trying to find relatives of extinct animals to try to find out more about its history.  By using these scientists can learn more about a species' history and their ancestors as well. 

SP2: Developing and using models 
This week I performed SP2: Developing and using models by using a model of a cladogram to see what the T-rex is the most related to. This is SP2: Developing and using models because I am using a model to understand about cladograms and about how different species can be related.