Friday, October 31, 2014

10/31 "Interdependence of Organisms - 2

I learned that if one animal goes exist then the animal that eats it can't survive without the animal it eats. A different thing I learned is that if plants die off the all the animals die.

  • In what ways do you think you need to improve? 

I want to protect the environment from harm that we humans cause. Which is not littering, no Co2 and over harvest such as fishing, over logging. I want to replant more trees too.

  • What did you learn about yourself as you worked this week? 

I learned that hard worker and I like the work we do this week. When I grow up I want to study food chains more. Now I learn to appreciate pants now because they help us survive.

Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24 Interdependence of Organisms - 1

From what I have learned that all animals need plants to survive. The food webs are bigger than food chains. And I learned that most plants live in the ocean.

  • How much did you know about the topic before we started? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

I did not know much about the topic before we started. I know now that all animals needs plants to survive. And that most plants live in the ocean.

  • How do you feel about your work this week? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? 

I felt good about my work this week because I learned thing that I did not know before. For example the food chain sheet that we did in class today was very fun. I did not really dislike anything that we did in class today because it was fun to work and understand food chains.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nervous System

Controls everything you do from picking a coffee cup up to typing on a computer.

Brain (the control center), Spinal cord (the highway for information to the brain and from the brain) and Nerves (connect your body to the brain).

Interactions with other systems:
The nervous system usually works with all other systems to give them orders like when to move your muscles or when you smell your grandma's apple pie through the kitchen door. But it doesn't work with some because they act on their own. But it does work closely with most systems like the muscular system.

The nervous system is like a CPU because it carries out instructions to systems like the muscular system for when to move and stop and when to move a arm and where to stop it and use the fingers to pick up a coffee cup.

Structure and Function:
Without your brain you would be mindless, a zombie without any control center to tell its body what to do.  The brain is the control center, without it your body wouldn't to be able to something as simple as picking up a coffee cup and drink it. The spinal cord assists the brain in sending messages down to the body where it sent all over to tell the body part what to do. The size is unique to fit in the skull of your head so it can be surrounded by a thick wall of bone to prevent as much damage as it can.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Muscular System

Allows the body to move. (Really it moves your bones)

Cardiac (involuntary only found in the heart), Smooth in voluntary bladder, intestines, stomach and diaphragm.

Veins and Arteries:
Cardiac muscles provide the main force for circulation of blood throughout human body. 

Interaction with other Systems:
The muscular system works with the skeletal system to help with the movement of your body parts, the muscular system decides when to move it. They work in sync with each other as the muscular system moves it and the skeletal system provides the structure for your body. It also works with the nervous system because it sends the orders of when to move and when not to move. It also works with the circulatory system because it provides the blood for the muscles to work.

The muscular system is like the motors of this robot arm because it assists in movement while the skeletal system provides the structure of the arm like for other things like cars, computers, or phones. 

Structure and Function:
Skeletal muscles are the main muscles for moving in your body like picking up a coffee cup or typing up a report. These muscles are the ones that assist in moving your bones. Without these muscles you would be a statue not able to move around like we do now. If you didn't have these muscles you would probably be dead because you would not be able to grab a bottle of water or have dinner with your grandma without your skeletal muscles. Without the skeletal muscles you would be a living statue because the bones would the holding you up but with no muscles you wouldn't be able to move around. So that is why you need your skeletal muscles to move around to assist you in life.  


Skeletal System

 The skeleton system allows your body to move like picking up a coffee cup to drink it, as a support because without the skeletal system you would be a pile of glop on the ground (Imagine you are a stop sign with a pole, without it you would've be very useful.), it also creates blood cells for your body in the bone marrow, and it protects your vital organs like the brain and your skull.

Appendicular bones are one of the vital organs of the skeletal system because they are the bones that help you move like the gears and parts of a machine that it needs to move around and function how it needs to. And Axial bones are the ones that keep you upright like the stop sign example from before. 

Appendicular bones consists of these major parts:
Pectoral girdles, Left and right clavicle, scapula, Arms and forearms, Left and right humerus, arm, ulna, radius, and forearm.

Axial Bones consists of these major parts:
 The skull bones, the ossicles of the middle ear, the hyoidbone, the rib cagesternum and the vertebral column

Some Joints include : 
Ball n socket for circular, forward and backward movement, Saddle joint, a joint which provides more stability and flexibility than a hinge or gliding joint, Hinge joint for door-like movement, gliding joint for gliding like movement for going up, down, right, left, and diagonally. 

System Interaction:
The skeletal system works with the muscular system for movement of the arms, legs, body, etc. It helps because the muscular system connects with the skeleton which then they contract and the muscular system helps it move along. But that's not all, the circulatory also works with the skeletal system. The marrow inside the bones help produce both red and white cells in your blood.

A skeletal system is like a house frame because
  • Without it the house would be a pile of rubble like your body would if you didn't have a skeleton.
  • It protects the house like your skull protects the brain from critical damage
  • It forms the shape of the house like your skeleton shaping your body up. 
The structure itself is the bones of the body because they are the main support. Gliding joints would be found in windows and sliding doors and hinge joints are found in doors. 

Structure and Function:
The skull is one of the most important bones in your body. It is the size of your head because it is in your head and it protects the brain from damage like falling off your bicycle and hitting your head on the pavement. Without the skull your brain would be shaking like a maraca if you hit the ground. The skull helps it stay still and takes most of the force(Up to 1 ton!) to minimize damage to the brain. It is shaped like your head because it needs to be that way for protection of the brain by encasing it.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Urinary System

To get rid of waste. Liquid/soluble waste. It filters waste from blood and goes and stores the waste and water in the bladder and when it is time to go pee, it exits through the urethra.

Kidneys (aka filters), Ureters, Bladder (stores liquid waste), Urethra.

Interactions with Other Systems:
The urinary system works with the circulatory system because the kidneys grabs the waste and then it puts it with water to make pee to then send it down to the bladder for storing until it is time to go to the bathroom!

The urinary system is like a sewer because it has entry point for some water and waste to come down and contain chemicals which then it head towards exit points which would be the Urethra when waste goes out of the sewers.

Structure and Function:
Without your the bladder you would have no place to your your pee, which would mean you would have to go to the bathroom every 5 seconds because you have no place to store it for a while. Your bladder is where the pee gets stored when it is sent through the ureters. It is for storing it until it reaches maximum capacity, then you need to go to the bathroom.  

Kids 4 Biology

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Respiratory System

Provides oxygen for the body and eliminates carbon dioxide. Contracts to pull air in. Relaxes to push air out. It brings oxygen to the heart, then it takes the oxygen to put it in blood cells which go to all parts of your body. Then Co2 is brought back to the heart also known as carbon dioxide which is then exhaled by you out into the air outside.

Organs include Tracheas and lungs (Bronchioles and Alveoli)

Interactions with other systems:
The respiratory system works with the circulatory system to deliver oxygen to the heart which then uses it to put it into blood cells to transfer to all parts of the body.  It would also work with the nervous system because the oxygen you breath in would contain the smells as well so the nervous system can grab that then transfer it to your brain so you can sense the smell.


The respiratory system is like a highway because it leads oxygen down into the heart, and the Bronchioles would be like exits to other roads like a freeway where you can exit at any given exit to head to like the store or work.

Structure and Function:
Without your lungs you wouldn't to be able to breath. Your lungs are like a hand-held blood pressure cuff. Like to the left. When you squeeze it air goes into the cuff which then you release which then the air goes out. The lungs work like this because it goes smaller when releasing stale air with Co2, a waste product and grows bigger when taking in fresh air with O2 which then gives it to the heart to deliver all over the body. But that is how you need your lungs to breathe, they grow bigger to take in air and grow smaller when releasing stale air mingled with Co2.

Wacky Links
Kids 4 Biology

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Digestive System

                                                          Digestive System
The function of the digestive system is to break down food so it can be used. It also removes solid waste.

Some organs include the mouth (for chewing food), the Esophagus (brings food to the stomach), Small Intestines (separates the water from the solids), Large Intestines (squeeze as much liquid as it can until there is no more left), Rectum so it can deposit any thing not absorbed by the body which is considered waste or in other words, poop.

Interactions with Other Systems:
The digestive system works with the circulatory system because of the nutrients absorbed by the digestive system from the food you eat like your daily eggs. It absorbs the food for your body to use but shipped out by the circulatory system to parts of your body. The digestive system also works closely with the endocrine system to control the speed at which digestion goes. And finally it also works with the excretory system though it works parallel with it not with it. But the digestive system collects and removes solids and the excretory system filters compounds from the blood stream and collects them in urine. This is closely working together but not exactly.

Pipes underneath a house are like the digestive system because they take stuff in and it goes where ever it needs to go like your digestive system how it takes stuff in and then it goes where ever it needs to go. The toilet would be the mouth and the pipes would be the intestines and the end of the would thing would be the anus.

Structure and Function:
The stomach is one very important part of your digestive system because it holds the food until it has been broken down in small bits or turning into partly digested mush. Without it there would be big pieces of food clogged in your intestines and you wouldn't be able to digest and have enough energy if you couldn't digest food in stomach. It is like a like bag in your chest but it is like that because it needs space for food to be stored and stay there for a few hours to be digested and then moved into the intestines and then stored in rectum then goes out of the anus. You would need the stomach for digesting all the food that comes in so it can be broken down so you wouldn't have problems every time you eat your sandwich or something.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Circulatory System

The function of the Circulatory System is to pump blood in the human body so each part of the body can receive oxygen.

Heart {Has four chambers} (pumps blood), Veins (takes blood to the heart), Arteries (takes blood away from the heart to all parts of the body that need the oxygen rich blood, then takes carbon dioxide which is a waste product back to the heart)

Interactions with Other Systems:
The circulatory system works with the skeletal system because it ships out the blood cells produced by the skeletal system in the bone marrow. It also works with the endocrine system to ship out the hormones made by the endocrine system.

The circulatory system is like the UPS because the circulatory system takes blood cells from the heart with Oxygen in them then ships it various places in the body from your brain to your toes because they need the oxygen in the blood cells. The heart would be the post office and the mail trucks, delivery people would be the veins shipping blood to the parts of the body, blood would be the package they are delivering.

Structure and Function:
The heart is the most important part of your circulatory system because it produces the blood cells with the oxygen then the veins take it away to the parts of the body. Without the heart you would not have a blood producing station assisting you with blood made with every breath you take which is then mixed with a blood cell then shipped out to assist the other body parts.