Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24 Interdependence of Organisms - 1

From what I have learned that all animals need plants to survive. The food webs are bigger than food chains. And I learned that most plants live in the ocean.

  • How much did you know about the topic before we started? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

I did not know much about the topic before we started. I know now that all animals needs plants to survive. And that most plants live in the ocean.

  • How do you feel about your work this week? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? 

I felt good about my work this week because I learned thing that I did not know before. For example the food chain sheet that we did in class today was very fun. I did not really dislike anything that we did in class today because it was fun to work and understand food chains.

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