Thursday, May 28, 2015

Blog 5/22

     Surprise: This week this the surprise was when we were playing flag football in P.E. I decided to go for defense, then later in the game I realized that I was better for defense. It was surprising because I usually would be good at defense since I am good at tag. This now tells me that you can now expect anything from your body.

     The article I am reading right now is about how catching some sleep can retrieve lost memories if you forgot them. They tested this with fruit flies (Who intend to forget things a lot). They found this out by letting them have some solid sleep time.

     Citation: Sanders, Laura. "Catching ZZZs May Retrieve Lost Memories." Student Science. Laura Sanders, 20 May 2015. Web. 29 May 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
     I didn't know that sleeping can help restore some lost memories for flies and it just might work with humans. And I never knew flies can lose memories too. I now know that flies can lose memories as well as humans.

  • Why did you choose this article?
     I chose this because I thought it looked cool with the picture of all the fruit flies just flying around. And I also thought that the title looked very interesting to me. So that is why I picked this article.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
     This can affect the future by if someone couldn't remember anything someone could just tell them to try and rest then they might get their memory back. Another way it can affect the future is by if many people can't remember their past then a group of doctors can just get them to rest then they get their memory back. So those are the two ways how it can affect the future. 

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.
      why did you test this with fruit flies? We did so because we want to see if forgetful flies could get their memory back. Then one of our scientists thought it might work for humans as well.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

05/22 Blog

     Surprise: The surprise this week was during P.E. when I came back from the office with a bandage, I saw everyone sitting down on the blacktop. It was surprising because I was expecting us to do something else. I ca now learn from this surprise is that always expect anything from P.E.

     Summary: The article I am reading right now is about why mosquitoes find some people more yummier then other people. They do this because of microbes living on skin. This can affect how many mosquitoes like you.

     Citation: Landuis, Esther. "Do Mosquitoes Love You? Blame Your Parents." Student Science. Esther Landuis, 11 May 2015. Web. 17 May 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
     I knew about mosquitoes but I never knew that they target specific people. And I never knew that it depends on our DNA. Finally I never knew that they can do this type of stuff.

  • Why did you choose this article?
     I chose this because I thought it looked very interesting when it said: Do mosquitoes love you? Blame your parents. And I thought the title was funny. Finally I thought it as something that is important for mankind.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
     This can affect the future by if someone wanted to know why he was always getting bit by mosquitoes while his friends rarely get bitten, he can just look on this. Also this can affect the future by if someone wants to do a school report about why mosquitoes bit certain people, they can just look here. So that is all the reasons how this info can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.
     Why do they put their hands in the Y tube thing? They do that because they are testing which one the mosquitoes like most. And there is a wire place that keeps the mosquitoes form touching the volunteer's skin.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Weekly Blog 05/15

     Surprise: This week the surprise was when I woke up at 6:00 in the morning on Monday, I was still really sleepy then I went back to sleep then the next thing I know my alarm clock is ringing! Then I woke up and I noticed that it was 7:15! It was surprising because I was planning to wake up again at 6:40 but instead woke up at 7:15! I have now learned from the lesson to expect anything while sleeping.

     The article I am reading right now is about a Atomic clock that will not gain or lose a second for 15 billion years. This atomic clock was finished last year but the scientists that made it made some adjustments and then it was finished this year for real. Also the clocks parts weigh about a ton.

     Citation: Grant, Andrew. "News Brief: As Timely as It Gets." Student Science. Andrew Grant, 23 Apr. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
     I didn't know anything about this topic at all. I never knew that they made this stuff in the U.S. Government. I now know that there are things such as atomic clock after all.
  • Why did you choose this article?
     I chose this article because I thought it looked interesting when it said that it won't lose or gain a second for 15 billion years. Also because I never heard of a atomic clock before. And the picture looked pretty cool and advanced.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
     This can affect the future by if someone in a couple years doesn't know what time it is and all his clocks are wrong they can just look at the atomic clock and see what time it is. Also if all the clocks in the world were wrong they can all look at the atomic clock and see what time it is. So those are the ways the atomic clock can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.

     Why is this atomic clock important? Well it is important because it can keep track of time for a couple billion years. While other clocks can't.