Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/21 - 09/25

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Summary: The earthquake of 1989 was caused by the San Andreas fault by to tectonic plates rubbing against each other. The first man to find out about plate tectonics was a man named Alfred Wegener. But he had no proof, but 30 years after his death a man named Hesse who had proof of it by using sonar. Strike slip faults are areas where two tectonic plates rub against each other. Finally The reason why Alfred Wegener thought this because he the same fossils in two different continents.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I made a 3 layered pancake thing with blueberries in between each layer. This is Developing and using models because I made a model and used it another time in the week. I also made a layers of the earth foldable. This is also Developing and using models because I made a model for the layers of the earth.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/14-09/18

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There are two types of layers for the earth, composition layers and physical layers. There are 3 layers in the earth that we stand on, if you want to get more specific then 5 layers. The inner and outer core of our earth is mostly made of liquid metals like iron, nickel, etc. The pressure in the inner core is so powerful that the liquid forms a solid ball in the earth. Finally the mantle is the largest layer on earth, while the crust is the thinnest, and core is in the middle.

SP2: Developing and using models

This week I made a volcano model out of a special type of glue and newspapers. This is Developing and using models because I started on a volcano model. I also made a rock cycle cartoon. This is developing and using models because it explains about the rock cycle and it's behavior.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Blog: Scientific Method Cartoon

This project is about the scientific method. In mine there's a boy who is curious about which paper would work better for paper airplanes. So he does the steps of the scientific method.


  • Does this work tell a story?
Yes this work tells a story because it is a comic. Comics tell stories about what it is supposed to talk about. Finally mine tells a story about paper airplanes, a boy, and the scientific method.


  • How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I feel happy about this work I have. I liked the drawing part of it, I have no parts I don't like. I also enjoyed doing both the draft and final piece.


  • What grade would you give it? Why?
I would give my cartoon an A-. I would give it this because in my cartoon, I'm pretty sure that there mistakes in the cartoon at some point. So that is what grade I would give it.


  • As you look at this piece, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?
I will try to improve on making my cartoon more colorful. I will also try to make it as creative as possible. So that's what what I want to improve on for my cartoon.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Weekly Blog 08/31-09/06

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You have to make the procedure as descriptive as possible if you don't than when someone does the experiment that you do it will end up in a big mess. You also have to make a list of materials for the person to get all of them. You have to put all info from your experiment including the ones that don't support your hypothesis so that other people can observe it as well. Discuss anything that might of gone wrong in the experiment. Finally try not to copy your data from your notebook. 

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information
This week I worked with 4 other people to complete our lab report and experiment. This is Obtain, evaluate and communicate information because I was communicating with my teammates, evaluated the experiment, and obtained data.