Thursday, November 19, 2015

Safest Place in America Blog

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   The safest place in America is Albuquerque, New Mexico. We think this because it isn't prone to freezing Blizzards. It also isn't prone to wet tsunamis to destroy and wet the dry landscape. And it isn't prone to the powerful hurricane to blow houses away. These are some of the things that we will prove that Albuquerque is not prone to in this blog.

   Tsunamis are very powerful waves of water that can sweep away even very smartly built houses. Albuquerque is free of these waves of disaster. It is free of these insane waves because Albuquerque isn't really near any major bodies of water for these waves to form. It also is in a low earthquake risk zone so they can't form because they need earthquakes (Or anything else) to form. Finally it is quite far into New Mexico so no tsunamis can reach it.

   Blizzards are very powerful winter storms with some wind added on to it. Albuquerque is free of these freezing storms of death. It is free of these because high pressure,  low pressure and wind don't meet together in Albuquerque so blizzards can't form. It also can't form because they need landscape as flat as possible so that the blizzard can pick up speed for it to go over Albuquerque. So that is why blizzards can't form in Albuquerque.

   Hurricanes are crazy storms of wind that can hurl cars, trees, etc around to any place. Albuquerque is free of hurricanes because it needs very moist humidity in the lower and middle levels of it. It also needs wind shear low facing all the same direction. It also needs 26.5 C of sea temperature for it to form. Albuquerque doesn't have these conditions so hurricanes can't form.

   Albuquerque is the safest place in America. It is the safest because it's not prone to almost any natural disasters that we had to work on. But New York Times says that West Virginia is the safest place in America. This is not true because our info says that West Virginia has a higher risk in tsunamis, tornados and hurricanes than Albuquerque. So Albuquerque is the safest place in America.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Weekly Blog 11/9 - 11/13

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Summary: One dangerous disaster are blizzards which could trap you in your home or someone else's for a long period of time. Another dangerous one is tsunamis which can sweep away buildings or cars. No state or place is safe from natural disasters. If you want to find the safest place for you to live in free of natural disasters then you will have to find a place with the least risk of natural disasters. So there is no place to be safe from any natural disaster.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
This week me and my teammate looked at websites to make our worksheets to support our choice of the safest place in America. This is constructing explanations and designing solutions we constructed explanations.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekly Article Blog 11/2-11/6

Citation: Sumner, Thomas. "News Brief: Rare Gem May Hold Earliest Sign of Life." Student Science. Thomas Sumner, 1 Nov. 2015. Web. 7 Nov. 2015.

Summary: This article is about a find of a rare gem that may contain the earliest sign of life on this old earth. It says that this gem is rare because there is something called carbon impurity in it. It is also rare because the gem has a sign that may contain the earliest sign of life on it and isolated cells can't stay in rock too long. Very ancient zircons with carbon inclusions are super rare. They had to look through 10,000 crystals before they managed to find just one of these rare gems.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
When I first started to read the article I didn't know much about gems. Gems were just shiny things found in our earth just for jewelry and decorations with nothing special at all on them. Now I read the article I now know that gems can have special stuff on them. And that gems like this are very very rare to come across.If you come across one of these you could make a lot of money for a gem like that.

  • Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because out of all the other articles I thought this one was the most interesting. As I was looking at all the articles I wasn't very interested because it wasn't in my interest to look at them. I kept looking and looking for an interesting article to read and blog about until I found this article. I thought is was interesting because I never really got a chance to read or learn about gems at all. So I thought this was a good chance for me to learn about them.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?

This info from this article affects the future in many ways just to name a few. One way is if someone were to learn more about gems then they would go to the article and get info for the project, learning, etc. Another way is if someone finds a gem like this and they want to learn about it. The final way I am going to list is if they want to find a gem like that and if they want to see what it looks like and stuff then they can go into the article. So these are some of the many ways that this article could affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.

Why are these gems so rare? These gems are rare because only a couple are found in the world. They are also rare because they could contain signs of the first life on earth. And these cells and carbon are very very hard to find on gems. And cells from the first life on earth are very very hard to find because they can't last long in rock. So that answers the question.