Monday, May 16, 2016

Project Blog: Biome Project


The boreal forest has two other names which are the taiga biome and the snow forest. The name boreal forest comes from the greek god Boreas god of the north wind. The temperatures of the boreal forest can range from 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to about 100 in the summer. An all year animal in the forest is the gray horned owl. So now you know that the boreal forest has different names as well as temperatures ranging from high to low.

I did know a lot about forests in general but not just the boreal forest. I never knew there was a forest called this I only knew about it's other name the taiga forest. But otherwise I didn't know anything about it. Because I didn't learn much about the types of the forests besides rainforests. So that is all I knew before we started this project.

I think our diorama was good, we put a lot of work into the diorama. I really enjoyed making the diorama because I enjoy doing that kind of model stuff. I didn't really like to make the website because we had to research all the stuff and work on it. And I don't like that type of stuff, just like to make models and stuff. But otherwise I enjoyed the project.

I would give it a B+. I would give it this grade because when we all did our parts for the website, Eric messed up on animal and human interaction. We kept trying to get him to fix it but he was too lazy and too upset to fix it. And we didn't have enough time to do it ourselves because we realized it on the last few days of the project. So that is why I would give it a B+.

I would have to change the mistake that Eric made on animal and human interaction. I would do this so next time the class could have a chance to learn about the animal and human interaction in the taiga biome. But it couldn't go that way because of the timing. I would also add more info on to the website. But we didn't have the time.  :(

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