Sunday, November 16, 2014

Letter to Mr. Cuttatree

Dear Mr. Cuttatree

  I have heard that you are thinking to build a resort in the rainforest, please don't. You should not build the resort because many bad things will happen to the plants and animals that live there. And sure it would good for people who want to go to the resort if you build it. But it would very bad to most of us and the animals that live there. And last of all if you want to start reading the main reasons why you should not build the resort they are below here and please enjoy this. 

Main reason #1: If you build the resort it will mess up the food chain. If you cut down trees to make space for the resort that would mean less homes for the animals that live there so that would mess up the food chain. Also we are already losing a lot of animals already because a lot of trees are being cut down per year. And we need these animals to survive in this world if we lose all of the animals in the world just for cutting down trees we won't be able to survive. That's the end of this main reason please enjoy this next reason.

Main reason #2: If you build that one resort we will lose more oxygen to breathe. If that one resort is in the rainforest we will have less oxygen like this if you cut down trees to make space to build the resort we will have less oxygen. This will happen if you build that resort for people to stay in. I mean it will be good for people who want to stay in the rainforest in a resort but it would not be good for us because a lot of trees are being cut down per year and if you cut down more trees it will not be good for us like no trees=no oxygen to survive here on this world. And again that's the end of this main reason so please enjoy the next main reason.

Main reason #3: If you built that resort we will have less water to use in our homes. As you know all resorts need water to use for pools, sinks, for drinking, etc. So if you build that resort we will have less water in the rainforest for animals to survive. And if resorts keep on popping up for people to stay in even your's this would cause less water in the world! Well that's the end of the main reasons please enjoy the conclusion.

Conclusion: Well those are three reasons why you should not build the resort. So please please don't build the resort. If you do that could cause some bad damage to the rainforest and that will be bad. And also many bad things have happened to the rainforest all ready so thats why you should not build the resort. Well thats the end of this letter I hope you enjoyed it and you won't build the resort.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11/14 Deforestation

I have learned that deforestation is cutting down forests, trees, and stuff like that. A other thing I learned is the reasons why people cut down trees such as for fun, selling it to make money, etc.

  • How much did you know about the topic before we started? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

I did not know very much about this topic before we started. Now I know a lot about the topic then before I started learning this. One fact I know is if we keep cutting down trees there will be no more trees left for us to use.

  • How do you feel about your work this week? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why?

I felt good about my work this week because it was easy not too hard and last of all fun. I like every part of it I didn't dislike anything. And last of all it was very fun to do in the class.

Monday, November 10, 2014

11/7 The Bullet Ant

I have learned that the Bullet Ant got its name because its sting feels like being shot by a bullet and that it lasts for 24 hours. Another thing I learn that the Bullet Ant eats sap and other insects that they can find.

  • How much did you know about the topic before we started? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

I did not know much about the topic before we ever started. I now know that the Bullet Ant is also called a Fire Ant. Another thing I learned that the Bullet Ant has the most painful sting in the world.

  • How do you feel about your work this week? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? 

I felt really good about my work this week. I really liked to study about my animal (The Bullet Ant). I didn't really dislike anything because it was really fun to do. But I did like everything that we did this week.