Friday, February 27, 2015

Weekly Blog 2/27

     Surprise: The surprise this week was when in science instead of taking a lot of notes in class but instead we had to play this mineral game and take notes at the same time. While I was surprised I was waiting for directions for a assignment we had to do. It was surprising because we usually do a assignment that doesn't involve a game. From this surprise I have now learned to expect anything in the classes.

     This article I am using is about a group of scientist finding out the secret of why some metals explode in water. It says that in textbooks it says of why some metals explode in water but one of the scientist thinks that the textbooks don't explain all the info. And in order to do this stuff the scientists used a very special camera to find this out.

     Citation: Please click here for Citation

     How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? 

With the metals yes I knew about that. But the exploding with the metal touching the water no I didn't know anything about it. So I didn't really know too many things about this subject before I started to read this article.

  • Why did you choose this article?
     I chose this article because I like exploding things and because we study about metals. Also I chose this article because with some metals falling into water and it explodes. I didn't know that some metals that fall in water can explode.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
     This could affect the future by if someone wants to make a report about this they can just find this out and then they can get a A+ for it. Another example: Some very important people have to figure out the answer to this problem then they can find out this info and solve the problem. Final example: Someone has a assignment about this and if they don't they will get a F- and get punished really hard. Then they find this out and they get a A+. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Weekly blog 02/06

     The surprise this week happened on Wednesday in the morning when I was walking into the living room for fun. The surprise was that there was a blanket and a pillow on the couch. It was surprising because normally I wouldn't see a blanket and a pillow on the couch in the morning. Now what I learned from this is that I should expect tons of stuff to happen instead of just one.

     The article is about what happens when you read a book as if you just picture the word in your mind. And scientist find out a mystery of why and how this happens with hi tech computers to find this out. And that explains what this article is about.

     Citation: Stevens, Alison Pearce. "Harry Potter Reveals Secrets of the Brain." Harry Potter Reveals Secrets of the Brain. Alison Perce Stevens, 8 Jan. 2015. Web. 03 Feb. 2015.

     How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? 
The Harry Potter part I know about that but the brain thing part not so much. The reason why I know about Harry Potter is because I read Harry Potter while the brain thing I don't really know anything about that. And that is the answer to that question.

  • Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because I read and like Harry Potter. And when I saw this article it looked very interesting to me. And that is why I chose this article.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
This info would affect the future because when maybe some important scientists want to find out this info then one of them finds out about this then that is how it would affect the future. Another way how it can affect the future is that when one very important person needs to find out about this info then he find out about it then he would be proud he found out this info. And those are the two ways how this info can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.
Why did you choose the first Harry Potter book and not the other ones? Well we chose the first Harry Potter because it had a lot of words that described the event in the Harry Potter book. And that is why we picked the first Harry Potter book.