Friday, January 8, 2016

Project Blog Dirt on Soil

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Erosion is the carrying away of weathered material or the carrying away of material poorly held down. Erosion is not the same as weathering! Weathering is the breaking up of material. Then Erosion takes it away to other places like dams and watercourses which people do not want. Erosion can be caused by too much people walking on the same place for too much causing it to soften and become super weak against water of any agents of erosion.

How much did you know about the subject before we started?

I knew not too much about erosion before we started on this project about these areas and erosion and stuff like that. I knew partly about erosion that it had something to do with soil and water or wind. Now I know so much more about erosion and soil than I did before we started this project. I now know that soil is one of the world's most important resources. I also now know that erosion can be caused by water, wind, etc.

How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

I feel kind of bad about this piece of work because it wasn't that good and we screwed up on some parts. For example we messed up on some parts of our presentation like case info and time are the same thing but we put them into two different slides on accident. I didn't like the research because at some parts the research got hard like the time. I did like making the presentation because it was easy quick and fun to make.

What grade would you give it? Why?

I would give it a B. I would give it a B because on some spots the info was not as good in the presentation. Like the info for time we would have to lose like 5 points for missing the time. And for how bad we presented our area that would take away like 5 points as well. So because of the missing amount of info we didn't have this would cause us to lose at least 10 points on it making a B.

One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

I would like to improve on how hard we will work on a project like this next time. I say this because we didn't work to the max on this project we both waited until the last minute to do it. And I am very very embarrassed for doing that. So I want to work on this skill next time I do a project like this so I will not have to work until the last moment like in this project. So this is one thing I would love to improve on.

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