Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog - Surprise Only

        Surprise: This week the surprise was when we were in P.E. and Mr. G told us that Mr. Huth will choose a sport for us and then Mr. Huth said we were doing kickball. When I was surprised I was doing my own stuff during P.E. It was surprising because last week Mr. Huth told us that we were not going to do kickball anymore. What I can learn from this surprise is that always expect anything from your teachers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/27

      This week the surprise was when I was doing my own stuff my dad said that I would have to take care of my little brother because he had to go work early with his friend then go to his real work. It was surprising because my dad usually takes my little brother to school. I learned from this is that always expect anything form your parents.

      The article I am reading is about is about a deadly bird flu that is in china caused by chickens that have the deadly flu. These chickens get the deadly flu by them picking up the germ like a bus. The way people get infect is by selling or buying the chickens at the market place.

       Citation: Saey, Tina Hesman. "Chickens Spread Latest Deadly Bird Flu." Student Science. Tina Hesnan Saey, 18 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

         I didn't know anything about this stuff before a read this because I don't study things like this. One thing I learned from this article is that this one deadly flu that chickens can carry doesn't affect the chickens but it affects us humans. I also know that 3 waves of infections happened in china during 2013 to 14 so far.

  • Why did you choose this article?

         I chose this article because infections and deadly flus are one of the last things we need in this world. I also chose this article because I never knew markets in china sold chickens that can contain infections. So those are the two reasons why I chose this article.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?

        This could affect the future by so that the people in china can stop selling chickens that can contain viruses in them. And so that people in china can stop buying the chickens that might contain the infection. So those are the two reasons why this info can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.

       Why would so many people sell all those chickens that can kill people? They do that because they want to make some money out of it and so that people can eat it. They just don't know it is bad for them.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/20 - Build the Best Electromagnet Blog Post - Weekly Blog 03/20

     To make the most powerful magnet I would use a Thick copper wire with 100 winds with a  DC current. I would use these because the battery doesn't overload and it picks up the most filings out of all of the others according to my notes. While the rest of the results are like in the middle or in the worse place.

     So here is the reason I chose the DC current . I chose the DC current because it has more power than the AC current. And the DC current has so much energy that it can overload with power then you have to reset it.

     I would use a thick wire because it carries more than the medium and thin wire. And it doesn't overload when thin can overload easily. While medium can't carry as much as thick.

     The reason why I chose copper because copper works the best out of all the others. While aluminum is in the middle. And string which has no power can't pick up a single one even if you put it on the highest winds and on thick.

     Why I need 100 winds for this to work. This requires 100 winds because 26, 50, 76 winds can't carry as much as 100 winds. And plus it has more energy the more winds there are.

25 winds
50 winds
75 winds
100 winds







DC Current:

25 winds
50 winds
75 winds
100 winds







Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/13

     Surprise: The surprise this week was in science when we were going to science I was expecting to start a new project on something else. But instead we watched Bill Nye in class and took notes about it. It was surprising because we don't really watch Bill Nye in class. I learned from this is to expect anything in science.

     The article that I am looking at is about how hot peppers can help with pain. It shows that a group of scientists did a experiment to see the truth about how peppers can help out with pain busting. They say that the pain busting happens because the juice from the pepper turns off proteins that tell the brain that pain is happening.

     CitationSaey, Tina Hesman. "How Hot Peppers Can Soothe Pain." Student Science. Tina Hesnan Saey, 04 Mar. 2015. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.

     How much did you know about the topic before you read the article?
I didn't know that much because I didn't know that peppers and hot chilis can help with pain busting. But I do know about peppers of course. So that is all I have to say right now.

  • Why did you choose this article?
I chose this article because I thought about peppers. I thought that they hurt you more because of the hot and spicy juice in the peppers. So I never knew that peppers can do that.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
This could affect the future by if someone was stuck in the rainforest with a lot of peppers and then they knew about this info then they would be happy about this info. Another way this info can affect the future is by if someone important is in pain they can just do this and wait for a doctor. So those are ways this info can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.
Why did you research on this? We researched about this because we felt like it would be a important study and because we wanted to know the truth about it. So that is why.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/06

     Surprise: The surprise this week is when my little brother was playing with the kendama, he said that he can do this hard trick called alien head and then I said that he can't and he just did the hard trick. It was surprising because I can't to the hard trick but he can. I learned from this surprise that sometimes don't judge people by their words.

     The article that I am reading is about if you should give peanuts to a baby to avoid peanut allergy or not? In the article it says that a group of scientists used hundreds of babies and they tested by giving all of them a injection with peanut butter. And that is how they tested this.

     Citation: Seppa, Nathan. "Peanuts for Baby: A Way to Avoid Peanut Allergy?" Student Science. Nathan Seppa, 25 Feb. 2015. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

     How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? 

    I knew about peanut allergy but not that much about it. I didn't know that babies can get peanut allergy then it would last into their childhood. I thought kids only get peanut butter allergy when they are like 6 or something.

  • Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because it looked very interesting to me while I was looking at all the articles there were to choose from. And I know that a lot of kids would wish not to have peanut butter allergy. So that is what I have to say here. 

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the community?

     This info affects the community by if someone wanted their child to not have peanut butter allergy they can just look at the article and try out what it says. Also if a family as a peanut butter allergy they can stop the allergy by looking at this article. So that is all I have to say here.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.

     Why did you guys have to get so many babies to test your thing on? We did this because it was a important test for kids around the globe. So that is all.