Thursday, February 9, 2017

Genetics Project Blog

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If both parents are hybrids at some trait it is a 3 to 1 ratio. This is determined from something called a Punnett Square, this is used to determine the probability of a trait that will be passed on to their offspring. There are different types of traits that can be passed on such as hair and eye color there is also medical type traits like the chance of having something related to medical stuff. All of this can be predicted using a Punnett Square. Mutations can also happen through exposure of chemicals or something goes wrong in copying the DNA when passing it down from mother and father to child.

Backward Looking:
How much did you know about the subject before we started?
I didn't know much about the subject before we started. I knew that mutations can happen due to exposure to chemicals. And that traits are passed down from parent to child. I didn't know anymore than this little fraction of the understanding of genes. But now that I have I understand so much more about the building blocks of life and how a child can look like part of its mother and father.

Inward Looking:
How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I feel proud to create a poster to present about my understanding of genetics. I like making the little machine to make my super hero move side to side. I really was uncomfortable with drawing and telling a story between my superhero and mate. This was because I thought this was just about our superhero with no mate or child with it. I really only enjoyed making the little machine.

Outward Looking:
What grade would you give it? Why?
I would give this work an A-. I would give it this because although it showed my understanding of genetics it could've used more work on it. Like my drawing on my little machine could've used more time and effort. Or my drawing for my original superhero could've used more effort on the background. And the name of my superhero could've used more work as it was just "Bubble Man".This is why I would give my work an A-.

Forward Looking:
One thing I would like to improve upon is ...
I would like to improve on the amount of effort I put into the drawings. The name could've used more thinking into it instead of just doing Bubble Man. The drawings could've used more time into covering the white spots which made it look like it was done in 5 minutes. This is what I would like to improve on and why.

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