Thursday, December 18, 2014

Severe Weather Project Reflection

I learned that severe weather can be very very deadly even if it doesn't sound that deadly it really can be deadly. Another thing I learned is that hurricanes and typhoons are pretty much the same thing but typhoons have heavy rains in them and hurricanes only have wind.

  •  How much did you know about the topic before we started? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

I did not know a single thing about this topic back at my old school since we did not have science everyday like at AdVENTURE. But now since I moved to AdVENTURE I now know even more stuff then I used to before I cam to AdVENTURE. One example is what is the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane.

  • How do you feel about your work this week? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why?
I think my work was pretty good since I worked very hard on it all week. There was nothing I disliked about this project. One thing I thought the cards were fun to make since I got the hang of making the cards. 

  • What grade would you give yourself? Why?
I would give myself an A because I worked very hard on it all week and to put in the pictures. I also had to use my dad's time to help me make one of the cards the rest I did on my own. So that is why I would give myself an A.

  • What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for next week?
Next week (After winter break) I would like to set the goal to try finishing all of my work before the due date so I won't miss any points. Another reason why I would want to set this goal is because I kept on losing points just for forgetting to turn in one of my assignments and I lose maybe like 5 points for that. So that is why I want to set this goal.

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