Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Weekly blog 01/16

     One thing that surprised me this week is when Ms. Garcia brought in a little plushy looking toy. It was surprising because I was expecting to start a experiment at the beginning of class but instead Ms. Garcia brought that plushy looking thing to class. Ms. Garcia maybe brought that plushy looking thing to test us or teach us something.

     One thing I learned this week is that you shouldn't think that something is like plushy or hard or something like that just by my sight. Another thing I learned is that when you put a M&M in hot water it dissolves really fast.

  • How much did you know about the topic before we started? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

     I did not know about this topic before I came to Stem because we kept on focusing on like history, math and more but we did not really do that much science at my old school. Now that I am in Stem I know learn more than like at my old school. I now know a lot about plant and animal cells, the scientific method and more.

  • How do you feel about your work this week? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? 

     I think my work this week was detailed and explained about a lot of stuff about my experiments that I did this week. I liked it when we got to look at the experiments when they were in the process of dissolving. I liked it because we just looked at the experiment at do nothing else.

  • What grade would you give yourself? Why? 

     I would give myself a A because my work was good and detailed. Another reason why I would give my self a A is because I actually did it while some other people sometimes don't do it for their grade. The final reason why I would give myself a A is because I did all of the work.

  • One thing I would like to improve upon is ... 

     One thing I would to improve on is my grade. I would like to improve on my grade because I really want to get my grade level over 95 percent. I would really want to do that because I want to keep my grade up a A.

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