Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weekly Blog 10/26-10/30

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Wildfires are a type of fire where they start in wild in areas like forests or hills. These fires which can get wild usually are caused by human carelessness. Tornados are just cylinders of fast air going round and round at low, average, or high speeds. These twisters usually happen in flat ares where there is room for it to start, they also happen when warm and cool pressure meet. These twisters also usually happen in the east of the U.S. This area is known as tornado alley.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I worked on our wildfires and tornados sheets for our project on the safest place in America. This is Developing and using models because I helped and colored a picture. I also pictured how wildfires and tornados would form in my mind. This is Developing and using models because I pictured models inside my head to understand more about tornados and wildfires.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Project Blog

Image Source:,_Denali_National_Park.jpg

Summary: During the project I learned that this mountain above named Mt. Denali is also called Mt. McKinley. I also learned that you could expect lots of earthquakes there since it is in between the Pacific plate and the North American plate. Finally I also learned that it is growing, This year Denali is 20,310 feet tall and in 2013 it was 20,237.

How much did you know about the subject before we started?

I didn't know about any mountains before I started this. Before I started this I never learned anything about mountain at my old school and my school right now. So this shows how much I knew about this topic before we started this topic.

What did/do you find frustrating about it?

What I found frustrating and annoying was when we chose Pompeii and found out it was really a city buried in ash right now. Another thing that was really annoying was when we had to miss a day of science when the other 6th grade class took a field trip. So those are the 2 main thing that were really annoying during the project.

What grade would you give it? Why?

I would give it a A-. I would give it this because it could use more work on it and our presentation wasn't that good. So that is what grade I would give it.

One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

One thing I would like to improve upon is our presentation. I would like to improve this because we didn't get to really finish it and put the final touches on it. So this is what I would like to improve on.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Weekly Blog 10/12/10/18

Image source:,_Denali_National_Park.jpg

Summary: In the picture above is a picture of Mt. Denali or Mt. McKinley as some people say. This mountain is located near the center of the Alaska Range. It was made by the Alaska, Pacific, and North America plates. Denali is in the heart of an earthquake country so it is used by scientists. It's got 2 names now but it is supposed to be Mt. McKinley now.

SP2: Developing and using models

This week I helped my teammates make a model of Mt. Denali. This is Developing and using models because I helped my teammates make a model. I also drew a picture of Mt. Denali. This developing and using models because I drew a model.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

10/05-10/11 Weekly Blog

Image Source:

Summary: There are many many layers inside a mountain. Subduction zones cause volcanoes. Fossils of sea creatures can rise up to high heights of a mountain. There are 2 types of volcanoes, Shield volcanoes and Strato volcanoes. The Grand Canyon has a layer of sea creatures at the very top. And Finally the top of the mountain is the oldest part of the mountain.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I used a model of the layers of a mountain. This is Developing and using models because I used a model for proof for my work. I also made mental models in my head so I could understand it. This is also developing and using models because I used models in my head to understand the subject.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly Blog 9/28 - 10/2

Image Source:

The more heat there is the less viscosity there is. Viscosity can be affected by temperature and composition. When two Continental plates hit each other the make Mountains. When a Continental plate hits a Oceanic plate it make Volcanos. Finally when two Oceanic plates hit each other they make trenches.

SP2: Developing and using models

This week me and my team used our volcano model to find out the viscosity of each fluid. This is developing and using models because me and my team used a model. I also used gram crackers, frosting, fruit roll ups, wax paper and water. This is developing and using models because I made multiple models.