Saturday, October 24, 2015

Project Blog

Image Source:,_Denali_National_Park.jpg

Summary: During the project I learned that this mountain above named Mt. Denali is also called Mt. McKinley. I also learned that you could expect lots of earthquakes there since it is in between the Pacific plate and the North American plate. Finally I also learned that it is growing, This year Denali is 20,310 feet tall and in 2013 it was 20,237.

How much did you know about the subject before we started?

I didn't know about any mountains before I started this. Before I started this I never learned anything about mountain at my old school and my school right now. So this shows how much I knew about this topic before we started this topic.

What did/do you find frustrating about it?

What I found frustrating and annoying was when we chose Pompeii and found out it was really a city buried in ash right now. Another thing that was really annoying was when we had to miss a day of science when the other 6th grade class took a field trip. So those are the 2 main thing that were really annoying during the project.

What grade would you give it? Why?

I would give it a A-. I would give it this because it could use more work on it and our presentation wasn't that good. So that is what grade I would give it.

One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

One thing I would like to improve upon is our presentation. I would like to improve this because we didn't get to really finish it and put the final touches on it. So this is what I would like to improve on.

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