Friday, December 9, 2016

Project Blog Charity Fair 2016

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The CRI is a charity determined to find the cure to cancers like breast cancer and bladder cancer. If you were going to give this charity one dollar 85 cents go to research and the stuff they need to pay for and 15 cents go to overhead. This charity was also rated an A on charity watch which is a website that monitors charities and gives ratings to them ranging from As to Fs. This is a charity that raises a lot of money for research on finding cures to cancer.

Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?
Yes I have done this in previous grade like in 5th and 6th grade. In all those years I have sold food to raise money for numerous charities. In 5th grade I sold popcorn and in 6th I sold rice krispies and this year I sold cookies to raise money for CRI. They are all the same thing just the rules, items sold and charities have changed through the years. But nevertheless the same project.

What did/do you find frustrating about it?
Well the cost and profit was a mess and me and my partner were both confused on how to properly do it. There was also the problem with our price how we didn't have change for 50 cents if they payed 3 dollars. And sometimes people were not interested in food. But a lot of people thought the microwavable cookies didn't look too good so they went for shortbread. But those were the problems and stuff I found frustrating about.

What the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work?
I want people to see all the hard work we put into it like the tri-fold. Most people just came by and asked about our prices and bought the cookies and walked off. Most people didn't recognize the hard work we put into our products and tri-fold and they walk off to buy some more items. I also put a lot of time and effort into a lot of cookies but most people just looked at them and walked off. So that is the one thing I want people to see when they look at our work.

What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
I would like to change our product because by now I know food doesn't sell too well at the charity fair. Some people say they were trying to avoid food and some just didn't want it. I would like to change our product because I know other stuff like snow globes and slime sell well because people are actually interested in. So this is what I wish to change the next time we do this project.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Weekly Blog 11/28 - 12/02

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The pistol shrimp has a big claw that snaps with great force shooting a bubble bullet to stun enemies or prey.When snapped the claw produces a sound far louder than a bullet at about 210 decibels while an actual gunshot averages about 150 decibels. Anything close enough to the bubble will feel the slight temperature change of 8000 degrees Fahrenheit as the bubble collapses. The pistol shrimp can even regrow its pistol claw and its pincer if they have been lost. This is not a shrimp to be messed with.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
This week I have been showing SP3 as I was conducting a investigation on the pistol shrimp. This is SP3 because I have been a investigation on the pistol shrimp to learn about its abilities and weaknesses.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Weekly Blog 11/7/16 - 11/10/16

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The immune system is weak to diseases like the flu, the common cold, etc. But your body can recover over time or you can speed it up by taking medicines. But cuts can cause infections which is bad for the body and sometimes requires shots. (if you cut yourself with a blade that is rusted.) So to help risks of this happening the skin should reconnect like magnets if the cut is cut or penetrated. Like if you get cut the wound can close more faster to decrease blood loss and risk of infection. 

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
This week me and my team asked questions on what part of the immune system needed redesigning which was the skin with a magnet type thing to help it reconnect faster to reduce blood loss and risk of infection. We solved the question of how we redesigning it by coming up with a magnet type thing to help it reconnect faster to reduce blood loss and risk of infection.

(AKA Cross Cutting Concepts)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WAC Essay Is it better to be a Omnivore or a Vegetarian?

Out there in cities, streets, towns, there are people out there who feast on just plant life when there are other who feast on cow, pig and chicken. These are omnivores and vegetarians. Omnivores have lots of sources of food to eat like steak, pig, potatoes, etc. While vegetarians have just plant life to feast on like tomatoes, bread, apples, etc. Which would you choose? will you choose to eat just plants for the rest of your life or a balanced diet of meat and plant life?

I think a omnivore is the better way to a better life because 1. Meat contains high quality protein needed for the body. 2. The proteins found in meat improve bone health and increase muscle mass. And 3. Also we are made for eating meat because we do not have the right organs to digest cellulose, the main fiber in plants. Eating meat helps you gain proteins and other nutrients that plants have very little of like B12 and protein. "...(3.5 ounces) of raw ground beef contains vitamin B12, B3 (Niacin), B6, iron, zinc, selenum..." This shows that having 3.5 ounces of raw ground beef gives you all those vitamins that your body puts into good use.

Meat has proteins that improve bone health and increase muscle mass."...protein is important for is bone healthThe studies show that consumption of protein is associated with increased bone density in old age and a lower risk of fractures. If you want to gain (or maintainmuscleas well as prevent osteoporosis and fractures in old agethen the protein in meat can be beneficial." This means that meat improves your bones like milk does because it has calcium in it. Although meat doesn't have any in it it still improves your bones and muscles because the proteins in it and nutrients in it. Without meat in your diet your bones would be more weak and same goes to your muscles.

Humans have much shorter digestive systems and do not contain the right organs to process cellulose, the main fiber in plants. "Humans have much shorter digestive systems than herbivoreand don't have the specialized organs to digest cellulosethe main fiber in plants." This would mean that humans are not made to have a all plant diet if they don't have the right organs to process cellulose which herbivores can because they are made for eating plants. Humans have also been eating meat as far back as 1.2 billion years. Meat is how we have become such an advanced civilization today. If we ate just plants then you wouldn't be looking at this essay. We would still be in the stone age.

Though omnivore is a better way many people think being a vegetarian is better. And that meat does increase your chance of catching certain diseases like cardio disease or diabetes. But there is a argument to that, though meat does increase chance studies have found only processed meat increases your chances, while unprocessed meat has no link to diseases. 
"In a massive study from Harvard that looked at data from 20 studies with a total of 1,218,380 individuals, they found no association between unprocessed red meat, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.The EPIC study from Europe didn't find any association either and this study included almost 450 thousand peopleHoweverboth of these studies found a significantly increased risk for processed meatIf you want to avoid chronic diseasethen it makes sense to avoid processed meat as much as possibleBut unprocessed meat seems to be fine." This shows that they found no link between unprocessed meat and diseases, which means that unprocessed meat is fine but avoid processed meat as much as possible.
Therefore being a vegetarian can be good for your health but I recommend eating meat instead. Meat has many nutrients that can not be found in commonly consumed plants. Unprocessed meat doesn't increase risk to diseases. The proteins found in meat improve bone health and your muscles. And finally we are not meant to eat plants. So these are all reasons why you should consider to become a omnivore and not a vegetarian.    

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Immune System

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The function of the immune system is to protect the body from germs and viruses by going around the body and fighting against germs.

The immune system is not made up of organs but of tiny little cells going around and defending the body from viruses, diseases, etc.

Interactions with Other Systems:
The immune works with the circulatory system to help them get to where they need to go and they also work with the lymphatic system for the production of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes have different functions which allow them to respond to foreign invaders, some work alone but some can communicate with other cells.
The immune system is like malware protector because malware is like a virus to a computer and the malware protector finds and gets rid of viruses, spyware, malware, etc. And your body does the same thing just in the body not in a computer, it protects from germs, viruses, diseases, etc.

Structure and Function:
The skin is one of the most important parts of the immune system because it is more likely for sickness to reach your skin first rather than you inhaling the sickness because most of the other entry points to the body are blocked off by the skin. When germs, illnesses, viruses, etc touch the skin the immune system has compounds and cells that work to kill any bacteria that touches the skin, and you can help them by washing your hands because most germs you come in contact with are from touching stuff. The skin's shape is critical to cover the body to protect it so germs, diseases, virus, etc. Because it is more dangerous if sicknesses get in then they reach the skin which then cells and compounds work to rid of the sicknesses so the skin is the main line of defense for when sicknesses reach the skin. But the immune system does its best to rid of invaders in the body if they get pass the skin.

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Immune System

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Weekly Blog-Cell Division Part 1

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Cell division begins with the copying of its DNA so each daughter cell has the full DNA not just half of it. Then there are the other stages of cell division to go through like the telophase and the anaphase. Each phase has a different function like the interphase starting to copy its DNA first. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Photosynthesis, and Cellular Respiration

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Photosynthesis produces oxygen and glucose. While cellular respiration creates energy, carbon dioxide and water. This creates a infinite cycle of energy for plants and animals to survive because they both take the other's products and convects them into reactants for the other as an infinite cycle for each other. The reactants for photosynthesis are Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. While cellular respiration's reactants are glucose and oxygen.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I demonstrated SP2 Developing and using models because this week I worked with gizmos to show models of how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work. This helps me understand how they work and how much they are dependent on each other.

Cause and Effect:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Weekly Blog Fats, Sugars, and Proteins Part 1

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Project Blog: Cell Wars!

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My Tackk

The cell wall has holes in it to transfer ions, waste, and nutrients to other cells. But it can lose water through the holes but it can recover good as new! The cell wall is literally a wall protecting the cells from the baddies and taking in nutrients and dumping the waste. The skeleton of a plant would be a cell wall. Without the cell wall plants would even grow here. And that means: No Tree = No Life.

Backward Looking:
I remembered a little bit about the project way back in 5th grade when me and Evan where the chloroplast. But other than that I didn't do this project at all. Back then I never learned about cells or the two different types of cells back at Indigo.  This was because we only studied math mostly but some science every once in a while. So other than 5th grade I never studied about cells.

Inward Looking:
I think I really like our work over the past couple weeks because we worked hard on it through day and past the night. Day by day we would always worry but we got the job done. I did like making the video because it was fun popping in and taking the camera from Evan as a second news reporter. Though I did dislike smears because it was hard to make a smear once we couldn't make anymore disease smears. But other than that I really enjoyed the project itself.

Outward Looking:
If I were grading my work I would give a B+. I would give it this because the posters could've needed an improvement of a slogan. And the video could've needed more editing and voice editing for a louder voice for all of us. It also could've needed better smears for some of us but some smears were good ones from us. But other than that this is why I would give our work a B+.

Forward Looking:
One thing I would like to improve on is time management next time. I would like to improve this because we only just got the video recorded a day before the video was due. This meant we only had after school to edit and put our video together. And the smears and responses I only got the last of them done the day it was due which meant last minute thinking. But other than that this is why I would like to improve time management next time.

 I have this glitch with blogger. Whenever I press update to update my blog it makes a whole new blog post with the same name. Please help me with this. Thanks.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Cell Wars Part 3

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Though the cell wall is useful in many ways it can destroy the cell if it holds too much water which it shouldn't. The cell wall is the backbone of plants. The cell wall helps plants stand tall. The cell wall lets in nutrients but disposes of waste. It can cause the plant to lose water but it can recover.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
This week I demonstrated SP3 because I planned and carried out a investigation on bad stuff against the other cell components to ensure cell wall gets voted for president of cell land!!!


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Cell Wars Part 2

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Though many of the cell's stuff do good stuff they all have a down side to them all. Such as the mitochondria where it can cause Alpers disease, a disease which has more than one symptom which is really really bad. Some of those symptoms include: Dementia, Seizures, and Liver disease. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Cell Wars Part 1

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All life is made up of cells. Then all cells are made of atoms. Every non living and living thing is made of atoms because all living things have cells and all cells are made up of atoms. The way you can tell something is alive because if they are breathing, they reproduce, they grow, and they all need nourishment. Cells are the main building block in all life.

This week we worked on a worksheet on which is the odd one out. This demonstrates SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence


Monday, May 23, 2016

Weekly Blog 5/16 - 5/20

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Food waste is very hard to stop because it happens on so many levels of the food process. It doesn't just happen on one. Food waste in one day can fill up to over 10 football stadiums like nothing. Some perfectly good foods like a potato that looks weird is thrown out because stores won't take them because it looks weird. Food waste is one of the biggest problems in the US it needs to stop.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data
This week I did a worksheet saying my ideas how apples can be lost in the different stages of it. This is SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data because we added the data into another part of the chart after looking at the other part of the chart.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Weekly Blog 6/9 - 6/13

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Food waste is happening worldwide in schools, warehouses, and more! Americans waste enough to fill a more than just one football stadium. They can fill up to about 100 or more in a year because of the amount of food wasted like rotten foods or imperfect foods. Food waste can happen to when they start to produce the food up to where we keep the food in our fridges. Food waste is a usual problem in the more wealthy countries because of the mass of money and people.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
This week we were thinking about what to do for our project like visit a place or something. This is SP1: Asking questions and defining problems because we were asking ourselves if we were doing something or not.

Project Blog: Biome Project


The boreal forest has two other names which are the taiga biome and the snow forest. The name boreal forest comes from the greek god Boreas god of the north wind. The temperatures of the boreal forest can range from 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to about 100 in the summer. An all year animal in the forest is the gray horned owl. So now you know that the boreal forest has different names as well as temperatures ranging from high to low.

I did know a lot about forests in general but not just the boreal forest. I never knew there was a forest called this I only knew about it's other name the taiga forest. But otherwise I didn't know anything about it. Because I didn't learn much about the types of the forests besides rainforests. So that is all I knew before we started this project.

I think our diorama was good, we put a lot of work into the diorama. I really enjoyed making the diorama because I enjoy doing that kind of model stuff. I didn't really like to make the website because we had to research all the stuff and work on it. And I don't like that type of stuff, just like to make models and stuff. But otherwise I enjoyed the project.

I would give it a B+. I would give it this grade because when we all did our parts for the website, Eric messed up on animal and human interaction. We kept trying to get him to fix it but he was too lazy and too upset to fix it. And we didn't have enough time to do it ourselves because we realized it on the last few days of the project. So that is why I would give it a B+.

I would have to change the mistake that Eric made on animal and human interaction. I would do this so next time the class could have a chance to learn about the animal and human interaction in the taiga biome. But it couldn't go that way because of the timing. I would also add more info on to the website. But we didn't have the time.  :(

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Weekly Blog 4/25 - 4/29

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Project Blog Ocean Currents

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Currents move in different directions and have different names, they are not just one big current in the ocean. Anything with no power against the currents with be pulled along the direction of where the current is flowing. Ocean currents can form patches of garbage in the ocean which could kill many animals. Currents could be good and bad for both people and fish. So that is info about currents.

I knew about the ocean before we started. But I never knew about currents within the oceans. I never even knew they all had different names. But this project did help me to understand currents and learn about them. So this says how much I knew before we started this currents project.

I think I could've done a little better but I was kind of in a rush. And I did mess up on my map thing. I didn't really like to research about them and stuff like that. But I did enjoy the map thing more because it was a physical thing. But otherwise the project was fun.

I would give a B because it wasn't my best work I could do. I could do better job but I couldn't because I messed up and I didn't' have much time. I ripped the paper a bit and had to cover it. And I couldn't get too much done on the essay. So that is why I would give this project a B.

If I could I would change my map thing to not have a paper covering it. I would also like more time on the thing so I can try to go above and beyond on my project. I would add more work on my essay if I had time. And finally I would like to add more color on my map. So that is what I would change if I could.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Weekly Blog 4/11 - 4/15

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If you put cold water and warm water together you will see that the warm water floats at the top while the cold water sinks to the bottom as it is more dense than the warm water.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Blog Post 4/4-4/8

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Currents are movements of water in the world's oceans. They can be caused by hot and cold water mixing with each other. Or they can be caused by saltwater with fresh water. Or even wind can cause a current in the oceans. Currents can lead anything with no movement move along the currents which you could end up anywhere anytime.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week me and my group used a model to see how waste can travel by an ocean current. This is SP2: Developing and using models because we used a model to see how waste can travel.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

WAC Essay

Written By: Justin P. Nguyen
Large numbers of dying fish have been reported in the Gray Bay!
Large numbers of dying fish have been reported in the Gray Area! Main Suspects have been questioned and the main sources of water have been tested for evidence. So far only some have been proven to be responsible for the dying fish, some doing it just for more money. But we think that one main suspect could be the hunters in the area like Elmo Skeeto because of the number of deer in Parallel Park has been booming which can cause massive erosion causing more dying fish.

Most of the fish investigated had clamped fins which indicates that they died from too little oxygen.
Information leaked that 21 of the fish tested died from too little oxygen. The highest amount of fish that have died from one cause out of the 50 that were tested. Too much deer grazing could cause massive amounts of erosion to spill into nearby rivers such as the Missterssippi River and the erosion causes more sunlight in the rivers depleting the oxygen levels in the water killing the fish in the water. Most of the deer's predator the mountain lion has been killed off allowing the deer to overpopulate causing erosion and killing fish.

The Missterssippi river is warmer than it was a couple years ago.
More sediment means more heat which means more dead fish. Parallel Park would cause lots of erosion because of the overpopulating deer. Parallel Park is very close to the Missterssippi. Which makes it a prime suspect of the dying fish.

Parallel Park is the closest thing to the Missterssippi River that can cause erosion.
The closest thing the Missterssippi River that can cause erosion besides Parallel Park would be the clear cut forest but barely any of the soil could get into the Missterssippi. There are mountains between the clear cut forest and the Missterssippi River. Only winds could carry the soil past the mountains into the Missterssippi river. But they would have to be very very powerful winds to do that. There is no evidence showing that there was sediment in the river that came from the clear cut forest.

The main suspects are hunters in the area like Elmo Skeeto.

They are responsible for many of the dying fish because they have killed off most of the mountain lions allowing deer to overpopulate and cause massive erosion to happen. The Missterssippi is more warmer than it was a couple of years ago. This is secondary evidence that proves that the hunters have allowed deer to overpopulate and caused the Missterssippi to become warmer.  Finally it is because Parallel Park is the closest source for sediment to come pouring into the Missterssippi. The clear cut forest is too far away and is blocked by mountain for too much of its sediment to come through and affect the Missterssippi too much. I say we should limit the hunting or stop it if we want to prevent more fish dying. Thank You.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Weekly Blog 3/7 - 3/11


There have been many suspects so far for the dying fish. But some stand out and some don't some even doing it just for money. Many have been investigating in many ways of how the fish are dying. Like sediment, chlorine, oil, just to name a few. But now many clear suspects are starting to pop up now thanks to the many test done by many people to prove which people are responsible for the dying fish.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data
This week I made a test on drainages into a pond to see which one has been draining more phosphates into the pond. The results showed that the golf course drainage is draining high levels of phosphates into the pond which could kill many fish. This is SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data because I and experimenting to see who is most responsible for the dying fish.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Weekly Blog 2/22 - 2/26

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A new project has started in a area called the Gray Area. This project is about a serious natural problem about the fish dying and washing up in the city. There have been many suspects like the toy factory, the oil rig, the water slide, and erosion from the forests. Although the answer is not clear there have been many suspicious activity from some emails from and to the owner of the water park. Finally the city hopes to put a stop of this menace of dying fish.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
This week I had to research and check over maps, emails, newspaper articles and test results and I had to include them in a answer to a form. Therefore this is Constructing explanations and designing solutions because I constructed explanations about how the fish could be dying and I designed solutions as a attempt to find the culprit of the dying fish.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Weekly Blog 1/11/16 - 1/15/16

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The mouth of a river is not the starting point of a river but the point where the river meets with a ocean, lake, etc. The source is the word for the starting place of a river not the mouth. A lake called an oxbow lake can be formed near a river and it looks like a n from one point of view if you look at it from a distance. Levees sound like a really hard word to understand about rivers but levees are really just piles of stuff like pebbles, dirt sand, etc. Finally if you see a bend in a lake don't call it a bend call it a meander because that is the science name for it.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I looked at models and used them to show my answers for the river terms like levees, meander, oxbow lake, etc. This is SP2: Developing and using models because I used models to plant answers in my teacher's head so that she can understand how I think of it. I also used models in my head so I can try to understand how these words work in the real world or what they mean. This is SP2: Developing and using models because I used models in my head to understand the working of these words and systems.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Project Blog Dirt on Soil

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Erosion is the carrying away of weathered material or the carrying away of material poorly held down. Erosion is not the same as weathering! Weathering is the breaking up of material. Then Erosion takes it away to other places like dams and watercourses which people do not want. Erosion can be caused by too much people walking on the same place for too much causing it to soften and become super weak against water of any agents of erosion.

How much did you know about the subject before we started?

I knew not too much about erosion before we started on this project about these areas and erosion and stuff like that. I knew partly about erosion that it had something to do with soil and water or wind. Now I know so much more about erosion and soil than I did before we started this project. I now know that soil is one of the world's most important resources. I also now know that erosion can be caused by water, wind, etc.

How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

I feel kind of bad about this piece of work because it wasn't that good and we screwed up on some parts. For example we messed up on some parts of our presentation like case info and time are the same thing but we put them into two different slides on accident. I didn't like the research because at some parts the research got hard like the time. I did like making the presentation because it was easy quick and fun to make.

What grade would you give it? Why?

I would give it a B. I would give it a B because on some spots the info was not as good in the presentation. Like the info for time we would have to lose like 5 points for missing the time. And for how bad we presented our area that would take away like 5 points as well. So because of the missing amount of info we didn't have this would cause us to lose at least 10 points on it making a B.

One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

I would like to improve on how hard we will work on a project like this next time. I say this because we didn't work to the max on this project we both waited until the last minute to do it. And I am very very embarrassed for doing that. So I want to work on this skill next time I do a project like this so I will not have to work until the last moment like in this project. So this is one thing I would love to improve on.