Thursday, December 17, 2015

Project Blog Charity Fair

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Summary: This project is called the Charity Fair. This is a project where we have to come up with a product to sell at the Charity Fair which this year has happened from 5:00 to 6:00 on 12/16/15. This year I learned is that the teachers more flexible this year than last year because this year they allowed us to make the price of our product anywhere in between $0.25 to $5.00. Last year they made us make the price of each product $1.00 only! This was very frustrating for some people because with some of the products people made were worth way more than a dollar. And some products were too easy to make to be a dollar. And this year they made it more challenging for us because this year we had to present about our charity and make a trifold poster with all the work we had done.

Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?
Yes I have done something similar like this last year. Last year we did a charity fair as well but they changed it this year. Last year we could only sell our products for a dollar but this year they let us sell our products from $0.25 to $5.00. And last year we didn't have to make a trifold poster about our charity we were donating to we just told the class about it. But this year they made us make a trifold poster about our charity and our work that we did.

How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I felt that our work was amazing especially on our trifold poster. Even one of my team members says if someone stole or damaged our poster he was going to be furious. My most favorite part was selling the origami and Rice Krispie treats because we could talk with adults, handle money, go around for a 10 minute break to go around and look at other people's products. I really disliked the math for it the most because it was hard for my team. The best part about the trifold poster was taking the picture of a Rice Krispie treat that we were going to sell.

What grade would you give it? Why?
I would give the project an A-. I would give it this because we worked so hard for it. We worked really hard on the math for the carbon footprint and our cost and profit. But we worked harder for our trifold poster because we had to make our product and take a picture of each of them. So this is why I would give our project a A-.

What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
I would like to change our product next time we do this. I would like to change this because we only made 16 dollars while some other groups made way more than us. And for about the first 20 minutes or so we stood waiting for someone to by something. While other group's products were littering the rooms like the Apple Cider in the fancy cups a group was selling. So this is why I would like to change the product next time we do this.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekly Blog 12/7 - 12/11

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Summary: Erosion works best when there are no plants with only trenches, when the rain comes down hard, the incline is high and when the soil type is sand. It can't work well with plants because the roots hold most of the soil down so erosion can't carry them away that well. It also has to be when a light shower of rain comes so when the rain comes it doesn't have much force to carry much soil away. Next it has to be low incline so the water does have much speed to force soil to be carried away. Finally it needs silt/sand mixture so it could hold on more easier than just silt or sand by itself.

SP5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
This week I filled out a worksheet using the computer in class. This is Using mathematics and computational thinking because I used a computer to fill out a work sheet.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Weekly Blog 11/30 - 12/4

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Summary: Erosion is the moving of broken down rock particles moving form one place to another. If rock particles are moving that is erosion. If they aren't moving that is considered weathering. Between the two of them it seems that water is the most biggest agent of both weathering and erosion. Usually weathering and erosion take a while to form something similar to the picture above.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
This week I worked with my partner to work on our background research sheet for our new unit for erosion and soil. This is Constructing explanations and designing solutions because I used info to explain and show answers to questions about soil.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Safest Place in America Blog

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   The safest place in America is Albuquerque, New Mexico. We think this because it isn't prone to freezing Blizzards. It also isn't prone to wet tsunamis to destroy and wet the dry landscape. And it isn't prone to the powerful hurricane to blow houses away. These are some of the things that we will prove that Albuquerque is not prone to in this blog.

   Tsunamis are very powerful waves of water that can sweep away even very smartly built houses. Albuquerque is free of these waves of disaster. It is free of these insane waves because Albuquerque isn't really near any major bodies of water for these waves to form. It also is in a low earthquake risk zone so they can't form because they need earthquakes (Or anything else) to form. Finally it is quite far into New Mexico so no tsunamis can reach it.

   Blizzards are very powerful winter storms with some wind added on to it. Albuquerque is free of these freezing storms of death. It is free of these because high pressure,  low pressure and wind don't meet together in Albuquerque so blizzards can't form. It also can't form because they need landscape as flat as possible so that the blizzard can pick up speed for it to go over Albuquerque. So that is why blizzards can't form in Albuquerque.

   Hurricanes are crazy storms of wind that can hurl cars, trees, etc around to any place. Albuquerque is free of hurricanes because it needs very moist humidity in the lower and middle levels of it. It also needs wind shear low facing all the same direction. It also needs 26.5 C of sea temperature for it to form. Albuquerque doesn't have these conditions so hurricanes can't form.

   Albuquerque is the safest place in America. It is the safest because it's not prone to almost any natural disasters that we had to work on. But New York Times says that West Virginia is the safest place in America. This is not true because our info says that West Virginia has a higher risk in tsunamis, tornados and hurricanes than Albuquerque. So Albuquerque is the safest place in America.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Weekly Blog 11/9 - 11/13

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Summary: One dangerous disaster are blizzards which could trap you in your home or someone else's for a long period of time. Another dangerous one is tsunamis which can sweep away buildings or cars. No state or place is safe from natural disasters. If you want to find the safest place for you to live in free of natural disasters then you will have to find a place with the least risk of natural disasters. So there is no place to be safe from any natural disaster.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
This week me and my teammate looked at websites to make our worksheets to support our choice of the safest place in America. This is constructing explanations and designing solutions we constructed explanations.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekly Article Blog 11/2-11/6

Citation: Sumner, Thomas. "News Brief: Rare Gem May Hold Earliest Sign of Life." Student Science. Thomas Sumner, 1 Nov. 2015. Web. 7 Nov. 2015.

Summary: This article is about a find of a rare gem that may contain the earliest sign of life on this old earth. It says that this gem is rare because there is something called carbon impurity in it. It is also rare because the gem has a sign that may contain the earliest sign of life on it and isolated cells can't stay in rock too long. Very ancient zircons with carbon inclusions are super rare. They had to look through 10,000 crystals before they managed to find just one of these rare gems.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
When I first started to read the article I didn't know much about gems. Gems were just shiny things found in our earth just for jewelry and decorations with nothing special at all on them. Now I read the article I now know that gems can have special stuff on them. And that gems like this are very very rare to come across.If you come across one of these you could make a lot of money for a gem like that.

  • Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because out of all the other articles I thought this one was the most interesting. As I was looking at all the articles I wasn't very interested because it wasn't in my interest to look at them. I kept looking and looking for an interesting article to read and blog about until I found this article. I thought is was interesting because I never really got a chance to read or learn about gems at all. So I thought this was a good chance for me to learn about them.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?

This info from this article affects the future in many ways just to name a few. One way is if someone were to learn more about gems then they would go to the article and get info for the project, learning, etc. Another way is if someone finds a gem like this and they want to learn about it. The final way I am going to list is if they want to find a gem like that and if they want to see what it looks like and stuff then they can go into the article. So these are some of the many ways that this article could affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.

Why are these gems so rare? These gems are rare because only a couple are found in the world. They are also rare because they could contain signs of the first life on earth. And these cells and carbon are very very hard to find on gems. And cells from the first life on earth are very very hard to find because they can't last long in rock. So that answers the question.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weekly Blog 10/26-10/30

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Wildfires are a type of fire where they start in wild in areas like forests or hills. These fires which can get wild usually are caused by human carelessness. Tornados are just cylinders of fast air going round and round at low, average, or high speeds. These twisters usually happen in flat ares where there is room for it to start, they also happen when warm and cool pressure meet. These twisters also usually happen in the east of the U.S. This area is known as tornado alley.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I worked on our wildfires and tornados sheets for our project on the safest place in America. This is Developing and using models because I helped and colored a picture. I also pictured how wildfires and tornados would form in my mind. This is Developing and using models because I pictured models inside my head to understand more about tornados and wildfires.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Project Blog

Image Source:,_Denali_National_Park.jpg

Summary: During the project I learned that this mountain above named Mt. Denali is also called Mt. McKinley. I also learned that you could expect lots of earthquakes there since it is in between the Pacific plate and the North American plate. Finally I also learned that it is growing, This year Denali is 20,310 feet tall and in 2013 it was 20,237.

How much did you know about the subject before we started?

I didn't know about any mountains before I started this. Before I started this I never learned anything about mountain at my old school and my school right now. So this shows how much I knew about this topic before we started this topic.

What did/do you find frustrating about it?

What I found frustrating and annoying was when we chose Pompeii and found out it was really a city buried in ash right now. Another thing that was really annoying was when we had to miss a day of science when the other 6th grade class took a field trip. So those are the 2 main thing that were really annoying during the project.

What grade would you give it? Why?

I would give it a A-. I would give it this because it could use more work on it and our presentation wasn't that good. So that is what grade I would give it.

One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

One thing I would like to improve upon is our presentation. I would like to improve this because we didn't get to really finish it and put the final touches on it. So this is what I would like to improve on.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Weekly Blog 10/12/10/18

Image source:,_Denali_National_Park.jpg

Summary: In the picture above is a picture of Mt. Denali or Mt. McKinley as some people say. This mountain is located near the center of the Alaska Range. It was made by the Alaska, Pacific, and North America plates. Denali is in the heart of an earthquake country so it is used by scientists. It's got 2 names now but it is supposed to be Mt. McKinley now.

SP2: Developing and using models

This week I helped my teammates make a model of Mt. Denali. This is Developing and using models because I helped my teammates make a model. I also drew a picture of Mt. Denali. This developing and using models because I drew a model.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

10/05-10/11 Weekly Blog

Image Source:

Summary: There are many many layers inside a mountain. Subduction zones cause volcanoes. Fossils of sea creatures can rise up to high heights of a mountain. There are 2 types of volcanoes, Shield volcanoes and Strato volcanoes. The Grand Canyon has a layer of sea creatures at the very top. And Finally the top of the mountain is the oldest part of the mountain.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I used a model of the layers of a mountain. This is Developing and using models because I used a model for proof for my work. I also made mental models in my head so I could understand it. This is also developing and using models because I used models in my head to understand the subject.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly Blog 9/28 - 10/2

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The more heat there is the less viscosity there is. Viscosity can be affected by temperature and composition. When two Continental plates hit each other the make Mountains. When a Continental plate hits a Oceanic plate it make Volcanos. Finally when two Oceanic plates hit each other they make trenches.

SP2: Developing and using models

This week me and my team used our volcano model to find out the viscosity of each fluid. This is developing and using models because me and my team used a model. I also used gram crackers, frosting, fruit roll ups, wax paper and water. This is developing and using models because I made multiple models.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/21 - 09/25

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Summary: The earthquake of 1989 was caused by the San Andreas fault by to tectonic plates rubbing against each other. The first man to find out about plate tectonics was a man named Alfred Wegener. But he had no proof, but 30 years after his death a man named Hesse who had proof of it by using sonar. Strike slip faults are areas where two tectonic plates rub against each other. Finally The reason why Alfred Wegener thought this because he the same fossils in two different continents.

SP2: Developing and using models
This week I made a 3 layered pancake thing with blueberries in between each layer. This is Developing and using models because I made a model and used it another time in the week. I also made a layers of the earth foldable. This is also Developing and using models because I made a model for the layers of the earth.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/14-09/18

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There are two types of layers for the earth, composition layers and physical layers. There are 3 layers in the earth that we stand on, if you want to get more specific then 5 layers. The inner and outer core of our earth is mostly made of liquid metals like iron, nickel, etc. The pressure in the inner core is so powerful that the liquid forms a solid ball in the earth. Finally the mantle is the largest layer on earth, while the crust is the thinnest, and core is in the middle.

SP2: Developing and using models

This week I made a volcano model out of a special type of glue and newspapers. This is Developing and using models because I started on a volcano model. I also made a rock cycle cartoon. This is developing and using models because it explains about the rock cycle and it's behavior.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Blog: Scientific Method Cartoon

This project is about the scientific method. In mine there's a boy who is curious about which paper would work better for paper airplanes. So he does the steps of the scientific method.


  • Does this work tell a story?
Yes this work tells a story because it is a comic. Comics tell stories about what it is supposed to talk about. Finally mine tells a story about paper airplanes, a boy, and the scientific method.


  • How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I feel happy about this work I have. I liked the drawing part of it, I have no parts I don't like. I also enjoyed doing both the draft and final piece.


  • What grade would you give it? Why?
I would give my cartoon an A-. I would give it this because in my cartoon, I'm pretty sure that there mistakes in the cartoon at some point. So that is what grade I would give it.


  • As you look at this piece, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?
I will try to improve on making my cartoon more colorful. I will also try to make it as creative as possible. So that's what what I want to improve on for my cartoon.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Weekly Blog 08/31-09/06

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You have to make the procedure as descriptive as possible if you don't than when someone does the experiment that you do it will end up in a big mess. You also have to make a list of materials for the person to get all of them. You have to put all info from your experiment including the ones that don't support your hypothesis so that other people can observe it as well. Discuss anything that might of gone wrong in the experiment. Finally try not to copy your data from your notebook. 

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information
This week I worked with 4 other people to complete our lab report and experiment. This is Obtain, evaluate and communicate information because I was communicating with my teammates, evaluated the experiment, and obtained data.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Scientific Method 08/24-08/28

Image source:

The scientific method always starts with a question. There is also no correct way of how to follow the steps in the scientific method. Another thing about the scientific method is that scientists always make mistakes when doing the scientific method. Also another thing thing about the scientific method is that many scientists will have to restart on the scientific method. Finally if you could pay attention a lot but it is okay to make mistakes for it.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

This week I completed the new scientific method sheet with another classmate. This is obtain, evaluate and communicate information because I collected info with my classmate, evaluated info with him, and tell, help, and listen about info. This shows what I needed to do to complete the sheet. I also completed the scientific method a refresher. This is obtain, evaluate and communicate information because I learned about scientific method again and I evaluated to finish the scientific method a refresher.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Goals for 2015-2016

     My goals for 2015-2016 are to cram as much info in my brain for my future life. This is one of my goals because the info could really help me on my future life. It could help me in college or high school if I really want to pass and have a better life. I also really like to learn new things so I could teach other people about it.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Blog 5/22

     Surprise: This week this the surprise was when we were playing flag football in P.E. I decided to go for defense, then later in the game I realized that I was better for defense. It was surprising because I usually would be good at defense since I am good at tag. This now tells me that you can now expect anything from your body.

     The article I am reading right now is about how catching some sleep can retrieve lost memories if you forgot them. They tested this with fruit flies (Who intend to forget things a lot). They found this out by letting them have some solid sleep time.

     Citation: Sanders, Laura. "Catching ZZZs May Retrieve Lost Memories." Student Science. Laura Sanders, 20 May 2015. Web. 29 May 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
     I didn't know that sleeping can help restore some lost memories for flies and it just might work with humans. And I never knew flies can lose memories too. I now know that flies can lose memories as well as humans.

  • Why did you choose this article?
     I chose this because I thought it looked cool with the picture of all the fruit flies just flying around. And I also thought that the title looked very interesting to me. So that is why I picked this article.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
     This can affect the future by if someone couldn't remember anything someone could just tell them to try and rest then they might get their memory back. Another way it can affect the future is by if many people can't remember their past then a group of doctors can just get them to rest then they get their memory back. So those are the two ways how it can affect the future. 

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.
      why did you test this with fruit flies? We did so because we want to see if forgetful flies could get their memory back. Then one of our scientists thought it might work for humans as well.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

05/22 Blog

     Surprise: The surprise this week was during P.E. when I came back from the office with a bandage, I saw everyone sitting down on the blacktop. It was surprising because I was expecting us to do something else. I ca now learn from this surprise is that always expect anything from P.E.

     Summary: The article I am reading right now is about why mosquitoes find some people more yummier then other people. They do this because of microbes living on skin. This can affect how many mosquitoes like you.

     Citation: Landuis, Esther. "Do Mosquitoes Love You? Blame Your Parents." Student Science. Esther Landuis, 11 May 2015. Web. 17 May 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
     I knew about mosquitoes but I never knew that they target specific people. And I never knew that it depends on our DNA. Finally I never knew that they can do this type of stuff.

  • Why did you choose this article?
     I chose this because I thought it looked very interesting when it said: Do mosquitoes love you? Blame your parents. And I thought the title was funny. Finally I thought it as something that is important for mankind.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
     This can affect the future by if someone wanted to know why he was always getting bit by mosquitoes while his friends rarely get bitten, he can just look on this. Also this can affect the future by if someone wants to do a school report about why mosquitoes bit certain people, they can just look here. So that is all the reasons how this info can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.
     Why do they put their hands in the Y tube thing? They do that because they are testing which one the mosquitoes like most. And there is a wire place that keeps the mosquitoes form touching the volunteer's skin.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Weekly Blog 05/15

     Surprise: This week the surprise was when I woke up at 6:00 in the morning on Monday, I was still really sleepy then I went back to sleep then the next thing I know my alarm clock is ringing! Then I woke up and I noticed that it was 7:15! It was surprising because I was planning to wake up again at 6:40 but instead woke up at 7:15! I have now learned from the lesson to expect anything while sleeping.

     The article I am reading right now is about a Atomic clock that will not gain or lose a second for 15 billion years. This atomic clock was finished last year but the scientists that made it made some adjustments and then it was finished this year for real. Also the clocks parts weigh about a ton.

     Citation: Grant, Andrew. "News Brief: As Timely as It Gets." Student Science. Andrew Grant, 23 Apr. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?
     I didn't know anything about this topic at all. I never knew that they made this stuff in the U.S. Government. I now know that there are things such as atomic clock after all.
  • Why did you choose this article?
     I chose this article because I thought it looked interesting when it said that it won't lose or gain a second for 15 billion years. Also because I never heard of a atomic clock before. And the picture looked pretty cool and advanced.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?
     This can affect the future by if someone in a couple years doesn't know what time it is and all his clocks are wrong they can just look at the atomic clock and see what time it is. Also if all the clocks in the world were wrong they can all look at the atomic clock and see what time it is. So those are the ways the atomic clock can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.

     Why is this atomic clock important? Well it is important because it can keep track of time for a couple billion years. While other clocks can't.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Weekly Blog 5/1/15

     Surprise: This week the surprise was on Thursday when we were in P.E. Yesterday we voted to do the mile on Friday. But he said that we were doing the mile today! It was surprising because we were supposed to do the mile on Friday! I now learned from the surprise is to always expect a mile any day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weekly Blog Post 4/17/15

        During P.E. when we were in class I was expecting to do our exercises and run but instead we had to go to the gym and watch the (I think) 7th graders with their flags and fun facts. I was just sitting on my spot in P.E. when Mr. G told us to go to the gym. It was surprising because we rarely go into the gym and do something. I now learned from this surprise is that always expect anything from anyone.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog - Surprise Only

        Surprise: This week the surprise was when we were in P.E. and Mr. G told us that Mr. Huth will choose a sport for us and then Mr. Huth said we were doing kickball. When I was surprised I was doing my own stuff during P.E. It was surprising because last week Mr. Huth told us that we were not going to do kickball anymore. What I can learn from this surprise is that always expect anything from your teachers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/27

      This week the surprise was when I was doing my own stuff my dad said that I would have to take care of my little brother because he had to go work early with his friend then go to his real work. It was surprising because my dad usually takes my little brother to school. I learned from this is that always expect anything form your parents.

      The article I am reading is about is about a deadly bird flu that is in china caused by chickens that have the deadly flu. These chickens get the deadly flu by them picking up the germ like a bus. The way people get infect is by selling or buying the chickens at the market place.

       Citation: Saey, Tina Hesman. "Chickens Spread Latest Deadly Bird Flu." Student Science. Tina Hesnan Saey, 18 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

  • How much did you know about the topic before you read the article? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before?

         I didn't know anything about this stuff before a read this because I don't study things like this. One thing I learned from this article is that this one deadly flu that chickens can carry doesn't affect the chickens but it affects us humans. I also know that 3 waves of infections happened in china during 2013 to 14 so far.

  • Why did you choose this article?

         I chose this article because infections and deadly flus are one of the last things we need in this world. I also chose this article because I never knew markets in china sold chickens that can contain infections. So those are the two reasons why I chose this article.

  • How does the information provided in this article affect the future?

        This could affect the future by so that the people in china can stop selling chickens that can contain viruses in them. And so that people in china can stop buying the chickens that might contain the infection. So those are the two reasons why this info can affect the future.

  • One question you have after reading the article. How would you go about answering that question.

       Why would so many people sell all those chickens that can kill people? They do that because they want to make some money out of it and so that people can eat it. They just don't know it is bad for them.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/20 - Build the Best Electromagnet Blog Post - Weekly Blog 03/20

     To make the most powerful magnet I would use a Thick copper wire with 100 winds with a  DC current. I would use these because the battery doesn't overload and it picks up the most filings out of all of the others according to my notes. While the rest of the results are like in the middle or in the worse place.

     So here is the reason I chose the DC current . I chose the DC current because it has more power than the AC current. And the DC current has so much energy that it can overload with power then you have to reset it.

     I would use a thick wire because it carries more than the medium and thin wire. And it doesn't overload when thin can overload easily. While medium can't carry as much as thick.

     The reason why I chose copper because copper works the best out of all the others. While aluminum is in the middle. And string which has no power can't pick up a single one even if you put it on the highest winds and on thick.

     Why I need 100 winds for this to work. This requires 100 winds because 26, 50, 76 winds can't carry as much as 100 winds. And plus it has more energy the more winds there are.

25 winds
50 winds
75 winds
100 winds







DC Current:

25 winds
50 winds
75 winds
100 winds





